A collection of 49 free tools to help with your daily tasks
Convert images between different formats
Resize images to exact dimensions while maintaining quality
Crop images with precision and custom aspect ratios
Convert PDF files to JPG images
Convert iPhone HEIC photos to JPG
Convert SVG files to PNG/JPG or vice versa
Convert PDF files to PNG images
Convert WebP images to JPG format
Convert PNG images to JPG format
Convert JPG images to PNG format
Convert images to PDF format
Compress and optimize images
Pick colors and create custom color palettes
Convert images to Base64 and vice versa
Compress video files while maintaining quality
Compress PDF files while maintaining quality
Generate perfect emojis based on mood or description
Create beautiful CSS gradients with 150+ presets
Extract audio from video files
Convert MKV videos to MP4 format easily
Convert MP4 videos to MKV format
Create videos from MP3 files with custom background
Convert QuickTime MOV videos to MP4 format
Extract text from images in multiple languages
Create customizable QR codes
Convert text and files to/from Base64 encoding
Minify CSS code to reduce file size
Encode and decode URLs for safe transmission
Generate secure random passwords
Compare two texts and find differences
Generate random phone numbers for different countries
Generate professional placeholder text
Convert between different text separators
Generate unique names from different cultures
Convert Markdown to clean, valid HTML code
Count words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs
Generate test credit card numbers with realistic preview
Minify and compress JavaScript code
Convert Word documents to PDF format
Convert between different units of measurement
Randomly select names with an interactive spinning wheel
Convert between ZIP, RAR, 7Z, TAR, GZ formats
Convert PDF files to editable Word documents
Extract email addresses from text or files
Extract phone numbers from text or files
Create and customize digital signatures
Work with PDF files
Format and validate JSON data
Format and beautify HTML code
All tools are free to use and run entirely in your browser. No data is sent to our servers, ensuring your information remains private and secure.
All processing happens in your browser
Instant results with no server delays
All tools are completely free to use